Just great work

Midas MVP -

Fintech App

Midas is a mobile application designed to provide users in Ghana with a seamless and convenient way to make online purchases and pay for subscriptions and services using virtual debit cards powered by mobile money.

Midas MVP

Seamlessly create unlimited virtual cards to shop online, pay for subscriptions, services and more, with nothing else but mobile money. Shop online from some of the largest global retailers. Make orders and purchases from Amazon, Best Buy, Alibaba, Gamestop and many more without the hassle.

Pay for all your online subscriptions and monthly services. Enjoy Netflix, Disney+, Spotify and other subscription based services all by yourself, no strings attached. Purchase items wherever debit/credit cards are accepted. Midas virtual cards are accepted online on 100+ websites. Ready to use wherever and whenever you need it.


Midas Financial Inc





UX Design

Mobile app development



The Challenge

Midas sought to revolutionize digital payments in Ghana by offering a mobile application that allows users to make online purchases and pay for subscriptions using virtual debit cards powered by mobile money. The challenge was not only to create a strong and memorable brand identity but also to design an intuitive and user-friendly mobile app that would cater to both tech-savvy individuals and those new to digital payments. Midas needed a seamless user experience that could simplify complex financial transactions while ensuring security and trust.

Moreover, the app needed to be developed with robust technology to handle a high volume of transactions securely and efficiently. The challenge was to build a platform that is reliable and responsive, providing a seamless experience across all devices. Our goal was to deliver a comprehensive solution that combined a compelling brand identity with top-notch UX/UI design and mobile app development.


Our Solution

To meet Midas’s needs, we embarked on a multi-faceted approach that included branding, UX/UI design, and mobile app development. We began by creating a distinctive brand identity that reflects Midas’s values of convenience, security, and innovation. Our branding strategy incorporated vibrant colors and modern typography, designed to appeal to a broad demographic in Ghana while conveying trust and accessibility.

For the UX/UI design, we focused on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of managing virtual debit cards and mobile money transactions. We conducted user research and testing to ensure the app was easy to navigate, with clear visual cues and a seamless flow that guides users through each step of their transaction journey. Our development team then built a robust mobile application using scalable technology, ensuring the app is secure, fast, and reliable across different devices and network conditions.



Our comprehensive approach to branding, UX/UI design, and mobile app development has positioned Midas as a leading solution for digital payments in Ghana. The new brand identity, combined with a seamless user experience and a high-performing mobile app, has helped Midas build trust and attract a growing user base. Users now have a convenient and secure way to make online purchases and manage subscriptions, all from the palm of their hand.

As Midas continues to expand its offerings and reach more users, the strong foundation we have built will support its growth and evolution in the digital payments space. The cohesive branding and innovative app design ensure that Midas remains at the forefront of digital financial services in Ghana, empowering users to engage confidently in the digital economy.

Client Feedback

John Doe

I want to work with a design agency who cares about every last pixel. Atlas is it.

“Atlas Labs is an incredible design and development agency. I was at first introduced to their past works and i was blown away by their meticulous attention to detail. I want to work with a design/dev agency who cares about every last pixel. Atlas is it.”

John Doe

Principal Product Designer @

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